Transition of total medal counts by country in Summer Olympic Games [Paris 2024]


Clicking country names in th legend (displayed by pushing [Legend] button for mobile) toggles indicated countries. Move the slide bar at the top of the graph to view data from past Olympics. Tooltip displays details when hovering on a graph point. Panning can be done via the mouse or with a finger. Zooming is done via the mouse wheel or via a pinch gesture.

Absolute number
Per population
The ratio to total medals
Cumulative total

Top countries

Country name

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Data source: Paris 2024 Olympic Summer Games, Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, Olympic Medal Winners in The Gurdian, Estimates 2020 in UN World Population Prospects 2019
Department of Medical Genome Sciences, Cancer Research Institute,
Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine.

Link: Transition of new coronavirus COVID-19 cases per population by country

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